ACCULINK Access Controller Manager
for HP OpenView
Feature Number 7800-D1-999
Document Number 7800-A2-GZ50-10
January 1997
The OneVision ACCULINKr Access Controller (AAC) Manager supports the ACCULINK Access Controller
under HP OpenViewt. It provides the means to administer the AAC device, accept traps from it, and gather
performance data.
This feature document provides instructions on:
How to prepare for and install the OneVision AAC Manager software on both HPr and Sunr workstations
How to remove the installed software if necessary
How to assist and/or accelerate the process of discovering AAC devices for the HP OpenView Map
How to cut through to the AAC Terminal Interface
How to upload or download configuration images from or to the AAC
Which SNMP traps are generated by the AAC
This document assumes that you have a working knowledge of UNIXr and HP OpenView. If you are not familiar
with the general use of HP OpenView, refer to your HP OpenView documentation for a description of the user
The AAC Manager provides the following features:
Discovery and addition of AAC devices on a network map
Cut-through from HP OpenView to the AAC for configuration, diagnostics, and device performance
AAC configuration image transfer allowing storage of AAC device options on HP OpenView for use in
disaster recovery
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap handling
Installing the Application
This section describes how to install the AAC Manager software on both HP and Sun workstations.
Installing on HP Systems
To install the AAC Manager on HP systems, perform the steps below. (Refer to your HP OpenView
documentation for detailed descriptions of the HP OpenView commands.) To abort the installation process, use
the UNIX interrupt key (for example, Control-D or Delete).
1. Log in as root.
2. Ensure that the HP OpenView Network Node Manager (NNMGR) and the SNMP Management Platform
(SNMPRUN) are installed. You can check that they are installed by using the HP OpenView command
3. Exit HP OpenView Windows (ovw) to terminate ovw processes. You can ensure that no ovw processes are
running by using the UNIX command ps –el | grep ovw.
4. Insert the AAC Manager tape and
TYPE: /usr/OV/bin/ovinstall –p ATTAAC –– –s /dev/rmt/0m
5. To register the serial number of the AAC Manager:
TYPE: attAACSerial
6. When prompted:
<the serial number listed on your software license agreement>
7. Eject the tape and store it in a safe place.
8. Check /tmp/update.log for errors, that is, log entries beginning with Warning or Error. Consult HP
OpenView documentation if any errors are found.
9. Exit from root.
Installing on Sun Systems
To install the AAC Manager on Sun systems, perform the steps below. (Refer to your HP OpenView
documentation for detailed descriptions of the HP OpenView commands.) To abort the installation process, use
the UNIX interrupt key (for example, Control-D or Delete).
1. Log in as root.
2. Ensure that the HP OpenView Network Node Manager (NNMGR) and the SNMP Management Platform
(SNMPRUN) are installed. You can check that they are installed by using the HP OpenView command
3. Exit HP OpenView Windows (ovw) to terminate any ovw processes. You can ensure that no ovw
processes are running by using the UNIX command ps –el | grep ovw.
4. Create a directory in a path other than /usr. This directory is temporary and only needed for the
installation process.
5. TYPE: cd <path of directory created in Step 4>
6. Insert the first AAC Manager diskette.
7. TYPE: bar xvf /dev/rfd0
8. Insert the remaining diskettes as prompted.
9. TYPE: cd /usr/OV/bin
10. TYPE: ovinstall –p ATTAAC –– –d <path of directory created in Step 4>/attAAC
11. To register the serial number of the AAC Manager:
TYPE: attAACSerial
12. When prompted:
<the serial number listed on your software license agreement>
13. TYPE: rm –r <directory created in Step 4>
14. Eject the final diskette and store the diskette set in a safe place.
15. Check /tmp/update.log for errors, that is, log entries beginning with Warning or Error. Consult HP
OpenView documentation if any errors are found.
16. Exit from root.
Removing the Application
To remove the AAC Manager application, perform the following steps:
1. Log in as root
2. TYPE: cd /usr/OV/bin
3. TYPE: ovremove -p ATTAAC
4. Exit from root.
The removal process displays a running report of the process, concluding with a message that the process is
Discovering Devices
This section describes how HP OpenView discovers the AAC device and how you can accelerate that process.
Once the AAC is assigned an IP address and is physically connected to the HP OpenView host, HP OpenView
discovers it automatically. With large networks, however, discovery can take a long time. You may want to
accelerate the process by one of two methods. You may provide a “seed” file which identifies a portion of the
network to HP OpenView (Refer to the HP OpenView documentation for further information on “seed” files).
Alternatively, you can assist the device discovery by “pinging” the AAC.
Ping Process
Ping the AAC using the following steps:
1. Select Diagnose–>Network Connectivity–>Ping from the HP OpenView menu.
The HP OpenView Ping window appears.
2. Click on the To Name or IP Address field
< IP address of AAC >
3. Click on Restart.
The Ping window shows repetitive pinging of the device.
4. Click on Stop after multiple successful pings.
5. Click on Close to dismiss the Ping window.
The Ping window disappears leaving a HP OpenView Map window. An AAC symbol (see Figure 1)
appears on the HP OpenView Map.
AAC Device Symbol
The AAC Manager provides the symbol that represents the AAC device (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. AAC Symbol for HP OpenView Map
Accessing the Terminal Interface
The Terminal Interface provides the ability to connect directly to the AAC. The Terminal Interface provides
VT100 terminal access over a telnet session. The Terminal Interface is limited to one session at a time per
physical device, although multiple sessions can be established concurrently to multiple devices, each with its own
Terminal Interface window.
To connect to the Terminal Interface of the AAC, perform the following steps:
1. Select the AAC device symbol on the HP OpenView Map.
2. Select Administer–>OneVision Device Mgmt–>AAC Manager–>Connect.
The Terminal Interface window appears requesting a password (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Terminal Interface Window
3. TYPE: <the required password>
PRESS: Return
To terminate the Terminal Interface session, log off the device. The Terminal Interface window then disappears.
If you connect to the Terminal Interface using Misc–>Terminal
Connect–>Telnet (xterm), you will not be able to upload or
download configuration images.
Refer to the ACCULINK ACCESS CONTROLLER Reference Guide (Pub. AT&T 582-510-100) Revision 3.2 for
further information.
Transferring Configuration Images
Hardware and software options selected via the Terminal Interface for an AAC are stored in a configuration
image on the device. The configuration image can be transferred (uploaded) from the AAC device to the HP
OpenView host and stored in a UNIX file. Conversely, a configuration image can be transferred from the HP
OpenView host to the AAC device (downloaded). You can use such image transfers to back up the AAC’s
configuration or to establish or restore the configuration of an AAC in the event of a disaster recovery. Each
configuration is specific to the device from which it was uploaded. You cannot download from one AAC to
Uploading Configuration Images
To upload the configuration image from the AAC, perform the following steps:
1. Select the map window which contains the AAC that you want to upload from.
2. Select the AAC device symbol on the HP OpenView Map.
3. Open a Terminal Interface window as described in the previous section.
Uploading configuration images requires that you be logged
onto the Terminal Interface as either Superuser or Manager.
4. Select Administer–>OneVision Device Mgmt–>AAC Manager–>Configuration Upload/Download.
If you connect to the Terminal Interface using Misc–>Terminal
Connect–>Telnet (xterm), you will not be able to upload or
download configuration images.
The Upload/Download window appears (see Figure 3).
5. Click on Select.
The File Selection Window appears (see Figure 4).
Figure 3. Upload/Download Window
Figure 4. File Selection Window
6. Choose an existing UNIX directory and file to receive the configuration image or enter the name of a new
directory and/or file, and click OK.
The File Selection Window disappears.
7. Click on Upload.
8. Click Apply to begin the operation.
The percentage gauge in the center of the Upload/Download window displays the progress of the
operation (see Figure 3). The operation is complete when the percentage gauge reaches 100% and
Operation Complete is displayed at the bottom of the window.
The time required to upload a configuration image from an AAC to the HP OpenView host depends on
your network configuration and transmission speed.
9. Click Close.
10. Select the Terminal Interface window. A message is displayed:
Transfer is successful. Press any key to continue.
11. PRESS: Enter
12. Close the Terminal Interface window.
Downloading Configuration Images
To download the configuration image from the AAC, perform the following steps:
1. Select the map window which contains the AAC to which you want to download.
2. Select the AAC device symbol on the Map.
3. Open a Terminal Interface window as described in the previous section.
Downloading configuration images requires that you be
logged onto the Terminal Interface as either Superuser or
4. Select Administer–>OneVision Device Mgmt–>AAC Manager–>Configuration Upload/Download.
If you connect to the Terminal Interface using Misc–>Terminal
Connect–>Telnet (xterm), you will not be able to transfer any
configuration images to or from the AAC.
The Upload/Download window (see Figure 3) appears.
5. Click on Select.
The File Selection Window appears (see Figure 4).
6. Select an existing UNIX directory and configuration image file to be sent to the AAC, and click OK.
You must not select a configuration image file that was
uploaded from another AAC. Each configuration image
contains information and options specific to the particular
AAC from which the configuration image was transferred.
The File Selection Window disappears.
7. Click on Download.
8. Click Apply to begin the operation.
The percentage gauge in the center of the Upload/Download window displays the progress of the
operation (see Figure 3). The operation is complete when the percentage gauge reaches 100% and
Operation Complete is displayed at the bottom of the window.
The time required to download a configuration image from the HP OpenView host to an AAC could
exceed twenty minutes depending on the size of your network and its configuration and transmission
9. Click Close.
10. Select the Terminal Interface window. A message is displayed:
Transfer is successful. Press any key to continue.
11. PRESS: Enter
The following message is displayed:
A reboot is required to activate the new configuration.
OK to reboot the system (y/n)?
12. TYPE:
The AAC is reset and all options contained in the downloaded configuration image are applied.
Trap Support
The AAC generates alarms and events in the form of SNMP traps. These traps are managed by the HP OpenView
platform and can be viewed using the HP OpenView Event Browser application as described in the HP OpenView
The AAC generates the following generic traps:
Link Down – The AAC has recognized a failure in one of its communication interfaces.
Link Up – The AAC has recognized that one of its communication interfaces has just come up.
Cold Start – The AAC has just performed a cold start.
The AAC generates the following enterprise-specific traps:
WANSWTCH – The AAC has switched WAN port operations to a redundant port.
DCHAN – The diagnostic channel is down or out-of-service.
EER – The excessive error rate threshold has been exceeded on the WAN card.
ACO – Alarm Cut-Off is set and another alarm has been received by the AAC.
SENSOR – The Alarm card in the AAC has received an alarm from another attached device.
All AAC traps are stored in the status events log in the following format:
<Severity> <Date> <Time> <IP address> <Trap Type> <:> <Trap text>
For further information on AAC traps, refer to the ACCULINK ACCESS CONTROLLER Reference Guide (Pub.
AT&T 582-510-100) Revision 3.2, section 2-C.
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